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March 31, 2014 (And Just Like That... I'M OUT!)

Hello My Favorite People!
     So this last week has been a really great week, but before I tell ya'll about it I thought I better let you know that I am being transferred! We got the text this morning and I will be in a new area by tomorrow night! CRAZY. Goodness... I have lots of different emotions about it all! I am so excited to see a new area and to meet new people, but I am going to miss the people that I have had the opportunity to serve with and to serve the last 12 weeks! I LOVE THEM ALL SO MUCH IT'S UNREAL. Okay, It is going to be fiiiiiiine! (: I just know that I am going to love this new area and my new companion! I will let you know next Monday all of the information about my new location...(hahahahaha that kinda rhymes!) So you're going to have to just hang tight for a week... sorry!! 
     So about my week now! IT WAS SO GREAT! Well for the most part... haha some days were hard because either no one was home, we got juked, or no one on the streets wanted to talk to us! I just wanted to share two stories with ya'll that happened this week because they are amazing! We are meeting with this man named Joe. Joe is seriously the best ever! He has tattoos all over and he is extremely tall! If you didn't know him you might be a little nervous to talk to him, but he is the sweetest man! He was given to us as a referral from two of the spanish sisters in our zone! We had a lesson with him and his 13 year old son on Saturday and the lesson was AMAZING! The spirit was so strong! We taught them about the Restoration of The Gospel and they were so focused! The 13 year old asked us why there are so many different religions and churches and why do they all believe different things? I couldn't even believe he asked those questions! Those are absolutely perfect questions and they are questions that every missionary wants to hear! We were able to watch the short 20 minute Restoration Video with them and they were both glued to the TV. I have never felt the spirit so strong in a lesson before! After we were finished with the movie, we asked them how they felt. There was a long pause and then Joe answered and told us that he has never felt so peaceful. He told us that he always feel so much peace when we come over and he just knows that it has to be true!!! We talked to them about the Holy Ghost and that they were feeling those feelings because of the Holy Ghost. We talked about how the Holy Ghost was testifying to them that the things they were learning are true and that only through the Gospel of Jesus Christ will they be able to live with Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and their family for eternity. There was another silence and then Joe said to us, "That's all I've ever wanted". Talk about amazing! It was in that moment that I had a confirmation of the reasons I am a missionary! It made me think of the scripture found in 3 Nephi 5:13, "Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life." And boy ain't that the truth! This is why I am here! To be able to have a front row seat to see the greatest miracles of all happen is truly the most humbling experience ever!! The second story that I wanted to tell you was that we had almost the entire Bosket family at church yesterday!!! It was a miracle! We either only have 1 or 2 of them come or they just decide that they don't want to come to church at all... BUT they came and they didn't let us know that they were all coming because they wanted to surprise us and let me tell you, I was definitely surprised!!! I was beyond excited! Henry then got up to bear his testimony (I was a little nervous about what he was going to say... hahahah) But he did an amazing job! He gave me and Sister Page a shout out over the pulpit! haha He said that he loves us and that he is so grateful that we didn't give up on him! It was a really great testimony! They all loved church and the branch really reached out to them all and made them feel so welcome! Hopefully they will remember how they felt yesterday and continue to come every Sunday now!! I just LOVE being a missionary! 
     I am sad to have to leave these people and this area! I have really come to love it so much! Even the really sketchy areas! hahah (: They became my favorite places to be in! I know though, that the Lord has a plan and a reason for all things and that there is a reason I need to be in another area at this time! I am excited to see where that area will be and who my companion will be! I love learning and growing in this gospel as I help others learn and grow! I still have so much to learn and I am grateful everyday for the opportunities that I have to learn! 
     I hope that you all have a great week this week! I think about ya'll all the time and your always in my prayers! I miss you tons and tons! If you want to send me any letters this week then just send it to the mission home! No matter what I will get the letters somehow! (: Keep being the amazing people that you all are! Don't forget that the Church is true, the Book is blue, and God loves you! (: I LOVE YOUS TO THE MOON AND BACK!! Remember, WE GOT THIS! <3 

Love, Sister Woodland 

P.S. Whatever colors you/ Mal think are cute then get em! haha I don't really care! I just want some fun skirts/shirts for spring! They can be solid colors or have designs on them or whatever... You guys choose! We don't have a ton of time do go clothes shopping on P-day... It's rough... hahah (: 
                                    LOVE YOUS!!! <3 <3 <3

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