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April 14, 2014 (I'm gonna get fat in this area, bed bugs, and going fishing!‏)

Hi Family, 
     So this week has been a little crazy... full of lots of different things! So this email might be a little crazy and things might be all over the place... So hopefully it makes a little bit of sense... (: 
     First things first, THE WEATHER IS BEAUTIFUL! It has been in the 80's for the past like 3 or 4 days now! It was 87 degrees yesterday! I LOVED IT. Just soaking in the sun finally! It feels so good to be done with the winter and the cold! I think I was getting like the winter blues a little bit... Shoot! Second thing is, we thought we had bed bugs.... hahaha (probably isn't really a laughing matter, but sometimes you just have to laugh about it...) We had to like deep clean our ENTIRE apartment on Friday! I think we taught one lesson that day. It was rough! We had to spray things down with Permitherum and wash all our sheets and bedding and clothes! IT TOOK SOOOOO MUUUUUUCCCCCHHH TIIIIIIIMMMME. I was getting some bites on my back, arms, and a few on my neck. Not bad bites at all, but just weird. So they wanted us to spray things just to be safe. After we did ALL that work someone came over to check and WE DIDN'T HAVE FLIPPING BED BUGS!!! I was beyond excited about life! hahaha If we did have them we were going to have to move in with other sisters while an exterminator came. But we don't have them so things are going great now! What a relief, right?! But I guess bed bugs are really quite common here... So you never know I could get them later on in the mish! (; haha The third thing, is we visit this lady named Sister Cronan who is 95 years old. She lives all by herself and won't go to a care center or senior center because she thinks she can take care of herself... Her little apartment is really gross... But she won't really let us throw anything away... She has a 'hoarders' mentality! She also can't hear or see very well anymore so when we talk to her we literally have to yell! She is super cute though! She should be in a care center though... But anyway, we went over earlier this week and the donuts that she sits on had deflated. We came to find out that it was because it had a hole... We went to walmart and target looking for another one and could only find tubes that you take swimming... So we bought it anyways and gave it to her! hahaha We thought she could use it if she really wanted to until we could get her the actual donut... the one that is really used to sit on... hahaha The tube we bought ended up being WAY bigger than we expected... BUT we gave it to her anyways! haha I will send you pictures! It is too great! She has a attitude though sometimes and I was talking to her about some friend of hers and she just starred at me at said, "Whatever.".................. I kinda sat there speechless hahaha Then Sister Holyoak just laughed and laughed and laughed! What a sweet little lady Sister Cronan is! (: The fourth thing is, we get to help at a Food Bank every Wednesday here!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH! We volunteer from 9-12 and it is seriously so fun! It is me and Sister Holyoak and the two spanish elders in our area! We meet some great people! We also get tons of free food! They seriously just tell us we can take whatever we want to! SO MUCH FOOD. That is the fifth thing I wanted to share, the member here take SUCH great care of us! We are constantly eating at a members home! Sometimes right after each other... I am always full! Therefore, these people are going to make me fat... The also always seem to think I want seconds... I think they get us confused with the elders sometimes... haha Okay so the sixth thing I wanted to say was we teach a less active and he is seriously the greatest! He has started to come back to church! I just love him so much! He always says though that we don't love him.... We think he says that because we always ask him to pray and he will NEVER pray for us... We literally cannot get him to pray. It can be really frustrating sometimes, but we know that with time it will happen. Just like coming back to church happened! But, he called us and wanted us to stop over at his house for a little... We stopped by and he got us both cards for Easter!! I cried... haha It was serioulsy the sweetest thing ever! I needed that SO much! He really is a great man and I know with time he will come back full force! The seventh thing I wanted to share was I got a text from Sister Page on saturday and she told me that Joe (the invesitgator I was teaching back in my other area, who is an house arrest) GETS OFF HOUSE ARREST NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He wasn't supposed to get off house arrest for another year and a half, but the judge felt like he has been doing really well so that are releasing him next week! Him and his 13 year old son asked Sister Page and her new companion IF. THEY. COULD. BE. BAPTIZED. I cannot even tell you how happy that text made me! I just started to sob! Joe has wanted to be baptized, but couldn't because he was on house arrest! The whole family is going to be baptized and in a year they will get to be sealed together for time and all eternity! I just cannot wait for this sweet family to be sealed together and to recieve the blessings of the gospel! I will be honest it bums me out that I don't get to be there, but I know that I am here in Hightstown for a reason and that God really does know best! What an amazing moment though! To love someone so much and to see them accept the gospel and to know how much it is going to change their lives for the better is truly amazing! I love being a missionary! The last thing I wanted to share is that WE GET TO GO FISHING TODAY!!!!!!!!! The first counselor to President Jeppson is in our ward here and his kids asked if we could go fishing with them!!!! I am so excited about life! It is going to be so much fun! 
    Well, that is all I have to say for this week! Sorry that this email is so random and all over the place! I had so much to tell you guys! haha But I am glad thing are going well for all of you! I love hearing about everything! So keep keeping me updated on life! You guys are amazing! (: LOVE YOU TO THE MOON AND BACK!!! WE GOT THIS! (:
Love, Sister Woodland
Anyway, Have a great week!!!! LOVE YOUS!! (: (: (:

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