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November 24, 2014 (Bed bugs and roaches...)

Hey Fam! 
     So this week has been so crazy! Just when I thought I was in the clear from ever getting bed bugs again... We woke up Wednesday morning and I went out to our living room to start exercising and all of a sudden I hear Sister Hindman say, "Sister Woodland, could you get a tissue... there is a bug by my bed." So I got a tissue and went to see what kind of bug it was... and wouldn't ya know it was a bed bug!!!!! I HATE THOSE BUGS SO MUCH. Seriously. I just can't seem to catch a break with them... I guess the only good thing from having bed bugs multiple times is that you start to get good at knowing how to deal with them! haha So I quickly stripped our beds and we threw our blankets and sheets into the washer and dryer and we sprayed EVERYTHING DOWN. We actually never found another bed bug. So that was a good thing! We only ever found that one. But I still sprayed seriously everything down and we washed everything! It is all good now. We haven't seen another one since so I am hoping that they have all either died or we really only had that one bed bug! Then we were over to a Less Actives house and she is being evicted from her apartment and we offered to help her. We had just decided to try this lady because all it said on our Ward List was that she is Less Active. So we decided to stop by and get to know her more. She said that she would love the help moving and so we brought her some boxes on Saturday night. When we went into her apartment things were everywhere. We just stood there....probably with really shocked faces... haha But as we were talking with her and her sister I kept noticing these bugs crawling on the walls and ceiling. I didn't know what they were until she killed one with her shoe. I asked her what kind of bug that was, she acted like I was dumb or something. haha She said, “Have you never seen a roach before?" hahahahaha I was like.... uuuuhhhhh nope! hahaha THEY WERE EVERYWHERE. Oh my goodness sakes. I had to do everything within my power to not completely flip out right then and there. I AM SO OVER THESE BUGS. I never thought that I would ever have to deal with bed bugs and roaches before. haha I feel like I am serving out of the United States sometimes! But I don't think we have cockroaches in our apartment. After we left the less actives apartment we checked ourselves to make sure we didn't have any bugs on us! So hopefully we are good there.... I don't think I could deal with cockroaches too. hahahahaha 
     It has definitely been an eventful week! Even though it was not exactly what we were expecting we still saw some really cool miracles! We had an appointment on Wednesday with a former investigator and we were a little bit nervous at first in the lesson. We thought that he was going to just argue with us at first, but as we listened to him and continued on with the lesson and it actually went really well! I know that the only way we were able to answer his questions and help him understand the Book of Mormon more was because the spirit was there! It was so amazing. After we had finished teaching him we got into our car and just screamed! haha We both couldn't even believe what came out of our mouths. The spirit definitely filled our mouths with the words that this man needed to hear at that time. It was definitely a testimony builder to me, that if we are prepared the Lord with help out with the rest. We just have to trust that He will. We are also teaching a lady right now named Jackie. Jackie is so amazing. She is from Haiti! Her brother is our Ward Clerk. One of the members who is really good friends with her told us that someone had tried to tell Jackie that our church is wrong and that she should go to a different church, but Jackie told them NO!!! She said to that person that she knows this church is true. I was SO stinkin happy! We have been trying to help her find out for herself if the church is true and we haven't been sure if she really has known. But that was an answer to our prayers knowing that she really does know that this is exactly where she needs to be. She was able to get a priesthood blessing yesterday from the elders and it was so powerful! She has been going through a lot with her family and different things and the blessing addressed all of that. When the blessing was over she had the biggest smile on her face and you could tell that she could feel God's love for her. She wants to be baptized in January! So that is what we are going to be planning for! She is so incredible! We are still working on finding more people to teach, but I know that the Lord will continue to bless us with those who are prepared as long as we our doing our part to find them! (:
     Isaiah is doing good! We are teaching him his new member lessons right now and they are going well. You can tell that he really loves the gospel! It has been fun for me to get to know him and to help his testimony grow! We will hopefully get his membership record soon so we can get him to the Temple to do baptisms for the dead. Also, we are getting things ready so that he can receive the Aaronic Priesthood! I got a voicemail this week from Elizabeth!!! She is doing SO awesome! She is just so amazing. She seriously amazes me every time I hear from her. She is doing really well and she gets to speak in Sacrament meeting soon! She is loving her calling as primary pianist and she got to help out with the Primary Program for their ward! She is also been assigned women to visit teach! And she is just loving it all! I feel so blessed to be apart both Isaiah's and Elizabeth's conversion processes! They both are seriously the best!!
     I am doing so great! I am feeling TONS better and things are going great over here! I am glad things are going well back home! I will be keeping mom in my prayers for this Wednesday. I know things are going to be just fine! (: WE HAVE TOTALLY GOT THIS! <3 I hope that things go great this week for everyone! I think it is so great that everyone decided to stay at home and be with Mom for Thanksgiving! I mean seriously. We have the greatest family. Take good care of Mom for me! (:  


Love, Sister Woodland

P.S. We get to play some football in our Zones "Turkey Bowl" on Thursday at 9 am and then at 3 pm we are going over to a member’s home for Thanksgiving. There will be like 3 or 4 families in the ward there and then us and the elders! So it should be lots of fun! (:

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