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December 1, 2014 (Thanksgivin)

Hello. (:
     Okay so first things first. I am soooooooooooo relieved that Mom's surgery went well and that she is doing good!!! Let's be honest. We all know that I was a nervous wreck over here... haha And just for kicks and giggles, to make everything so much better, everything didn't go very smoothly the day of Mom's surgery. So we went on exchanges with our Sister Training Leaders on Tuesday to Wednesday. I went to Caldwell, NJ and Sister Hindman stayed in our area. I sort of accidentally lost the Sister Training Leaders phone on Tuesday night... awkward... I think it fell out of the car when we went to an appointment, but by the time we realized that we didn't have the phone it was too late for us to go out and try to find it. So we decided that we would go look for it the next morning. So here we are without a phone and we finish our studies on Wednesday morning and we look outside and it is snowing! And it is coming down pretty hard... So we just had to laugh about it! I mean what else can you do at that point... So we decided to still go try to find it before we had to get to a meeting, but right as we were headed out the door our Zone Leaders were coming up to the door. hahaha Everyone thought we had died because no one could get a hold of us because we had no phone... Anyway, So they told us that our cars were "grounded" and that we weren't going to be able to exchange back until they got the "okay" from the Assistants that we could drive. So then we had to go back inside the apartment and figure out what we were going to do for the day. Meanwhile, here I am basically flipping out inside because I want to know how Mom's surgery is going and how she is doing.... BUT we don't even have a phone. WORST TIME IN THE WORLD TO LOSE A PHONE... I felt like we were living in the dark ages.. hahahaha So Sister Coulam says that we could walk to a member's house and use their phone. She said it is only like a 10 minute drive to their house. So we get all bundled up and we head out the door. 2 hours later, after being SOAKED by a bus driving by us, we arrived at this member’s home. They seriously were the best EVER. They let us come in and use their phone so we could figure everything out and so I could find out how Mom was doing! We got to hang out with these members for a while and we helped her make some pies for Thanksgiving. So now I know how to make homemade pumpkin pie and banana cream pie and coconut cream pie! We finally got to okay that we could drive and exchange back with our companions! So that was definitely a crazy day! haha BUT such a great day! I am so thankful that everything went well with surgery! God is definitely watching over each of us every single day! And boy am I grateful for that!!! 
     So now the next thing. Thanksgiving was a ton of fun! Definitely a very different day in missionary life, but I loved it! We got to go to Rutherford, New Jersey and play some FOOTBALL. We actually went to this field that is right by the place I lived when I served there! IT WAS NUTS. It was fun to go back to my first area! But we got to play some football with about 3 other zones for a while on Thanksgiving morning and yes, we did play it in the snow! (: It was freezing, but eventually we all started warming up once we got playing! After our "Turkey Bowel"' we got to have dinner at the McCarter's home with the Baldwin's and the Carlson's and also the elders that serve in our Ward here. The food was really yummy and it was fun to spend part of the day with some members! It definitely turned out to be a great Thanksgiving! (: 
     On Saturday, a Less Active in our Ward threw a party for our Relief Society President who has been fighting Breast Cancer for about 4 years now. She is really an incredible woman! It turned out being really cute and I think it was a huge surprise for Sister Mendez! I think it was really good for her to see that she has so many people who love her and care about her! So it was fun! It definitely reminded me of Mom and how grateful I am that she kicked cancer's butt! (: In all reality this week has definitely reminded me that I have SO much to be grateful for! I am so grateful that I have such an incredible family! Seriously, I feel so beyond blessed. I am also so grateful to know that even though I am away from home, God is still watching over you guys and blessing you! I am so grateful for this opportunity that I have to be here in the New Jersey, Morristown Mission. I am grateful to be serving now in the New City area. Really I am just so grateful to be a missionary. (even with all of the bugs (: ) I LOVE this gospel and I am so grateful for it. And I am extremely thankful for my Savior Jesus Christ and for everything He has done for me. 
     Even though this week was a little crazy and different we saw some really cool miracles. Sister Hindman and I both thought that we weren't able to get very much accomplished because of all the different activities going on this week, but when we were looking back on the week last night we realized that we were able to see so many tender mercies. We were able to find two new investigators and now we are working with 7 investigators and not too long ago we only had 1. Also, Isaiah was able to receive the priesthood and he gets to pass the sacrament next Sunday! Things are going so well and I am so excited about it. It just goes to show that Heavenly Father really is in the details of our lives and this great work! (:
     Well Fam, I hope that you have another great week! Thanks for everything you do! YOU'RE THE BEST! (: Remember to share the gospel! 

Love, Sister Woodland

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