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November 17, 2014 (Havin some fun in New York!)

Hey fam!
     So first things first... Our mission president has come down with some new rules and we are not allowed to email back and forth with anyone. :( So that is a bummer, but I know that it is all for a good reason. SO ya'll are just going to have to send some more letters with more detail about what all is going on in your lives. (: Next thing, I WILL HAVE BEEN OUT FOR 11 MONTHS TOMORROW.  This is nuts. Anyway, let's not talk too much about that one... That is so crazy that it snowed in Utah. Well actually it isn't that crazy, but I AM SO EXCITED FOR THE SNOW. haha So I guess what I am trying to say is that I am a little jealous! I am ready for the winter! I know I won't like it after a couple of months, but I am ready for it now! (: It is definitely getting extremely cold here though. I am starting to remember just how bitter the humid cold is. I have now been here to see all of the different seasons so that is crazy... I am glad things are going well back home! As for what I want for Christmas... I still don't really know... haha Um.... I would like a new CTR ring. Maybe a new dress or something... I LOVED that blue striped dress that you got me for my birthday! It is super comfy so maybe something else like that. Surprise me! (: 
     It was a crazy week this week! I think I had a "mid-mission crisis"... Is that possible? hahahaha I have kind of felt like I was stuck in a rut, just going through the motions as a missionary for a while. I think I was just doing things because I knew that I "had" to do them, not because I "wanted" to do them. So this week I have been really trying to figure out how to get that desire back. Thank goodness for the Lord's hand in all things! For the first time in a long time I FINALLY found it. I realized that I wasn't truly enjoying being here. It was more like I was forcing myself to be happy and not really enjoying the small and simple things. So props to you Mom on that spiritual thought and scripture! Because that is exactly what has helped me to really love being a missionary again and not to just "go through the motions". We can always find something in our lives to be unhappy about or that discourages us, but when we can look beyond all of that and just be in the here and now we will always find joy! When I woke up on Saturday morning I decided that for the rest of my mission I was going to find JOY in every aspect of missionary work. No matter what. And I did. When we went out that day I talked to people on the street, not because President Taggart has asked us to, not because I want impress any missionary, but because I want to share the gospel with my brothers and sisters. I want to do what the Savior has asked me to do. And I was so much happier!! It was so crazy! After the day was over and we went back to our apartment both Sister Hindman and I were so happy! We saw so much success because we know that we did everything that the Savior would have done that day. We found "Joy in the Journey". So yes. As a missionary you can still get stuck in ruts... hahaha SHOOT. It is a good thing though that because of the Gospel of Jesus Christ we can always get out of those stinkin things! (: WHAT A RELIEF. We saw some really cool miracles this week and we found 2 new investigators!! We are working a lot with calling and contacting former investigators and we are getting a lot of appointments from that. We are meeting some really incredible people. I think for the first time in my entire mission I have actually liked going out and knocking on doors... haha Things are definitely starting to pick up here and I am so excited to be in this area with Sister Hindman! There is just so much to do in this area and so little time! Sister Hindman and I were talking the other day and we both agreed we could stay in this area until the end of our missions... That probably won't happen... But I am just so grateful to be here serving a mission! I just stinking love it! (:
S. Hindman and I knocking apartments... we were trying to figure out how to get in... (gotta hate when the outside door is locked) haha

     Well greatest family in the whole wide world! Thanks for being the best EVER. I seriously just am so grateful for all ya'll! Couldn't do this without you! I hope that you have a great week! Keep sharing the gospel! (: 

Love, Sister Woodland

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