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January 27, 2014 (I'm Alive!!!)

Hello my fav five!
     This last week has been a crazy one! I went on two exchanges back to back... We had a "Zone Transfer Conference" and then we had our Sister Training Leader Exchange the next day! I packed up some of my things and went to my first exchange and was put in a trio with Sister Hindman (who was in my district at the MTC) and Sister Jakins. It was a lot of fun and it helped realize things I need to work on to become a better missionary! The next day I went on an exchange with the Sister Houser who is one of the Sister Training Leaders and I stayed in my area for this exchange! I was sooooooooooooo nervous because I had to lead my area! I didn't have Sister Page there to rely on when I didn't know what I was doing... hahaha BUT I made it out alive! It actually went really well and I think I did alright at leading my area for my very first time EVER! This week was just full of lots of learning experiences! This whole mission is filled with lots of learning experiences!! It makes my brain hurt sometimes.... (; We invited one of our investigators names Jovette to be baptized and she said YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woohoo!! I was so excited I wanted to cry! hahah (Surprise) We are working with her right now on quitting smoking and drinking, but she said she is willing to stop! We told her that we would give up something as well because we know that giving up everything that she has done and that she is addicted to is not going to be easy to say the least! She told us she will think about what she wants us to give up on Tuesday! So this is going to be TONS of fun! Hopefully she doesn't make me stop eating sugar.... hahahah But I would do anything to help her! She is so great! I love her sooooo much! She really hates her entire family though and it is soooo sad! The whole family is in shambles. We are actually working with the entire Bosket family! hahah Jovette's Aunt is actually on date to be baptized on Feb. 16th! We are working with Jovette's mom and her mom's "finance" (baby daddy) Henry! Tamara is her mom's name and she is a Less Active! Henry is an Investigator and we are working on the law of chastity with them because they are living together! They have been together for 18 years!! They really should just get married already.... We're working on it though...! (: I love these people so much! I really am in the "hood" and everyone keeps telling me that! Everyone we go to teach asks me if I like the "hood" hahahaha I LOVE IT! It is my absolute favorite place ever! So this week has been really pretty good! I am getting better on not being so homesick and I am getting more and more use to being a missionary in Joysey! (:
     So to answer a few of your questions.... We do not get fed by very many people... I have only been fed once by a family in the branch and that was this last Friday! AND this poor families basement flooded and they have NO heat at all yet they still fed us! I love the Torrez family sooooooo much! Sister Torrez seriously just gives gives gives gives and gives, yet she won't let us help her.... She did finally say that they needed help drying her children's books that were soaked when their basement flooded! We are doing a service project for them tonight and we are all getting together and bringing our blow dryers and we are going to dry these books for her! It should be lots of fun! (: SHE IS FINALLY LETTING US HELP HER!! YAY! (: Some members of the branch are also going to bring some space heaters so they can have at least some heat in their home because they serisously have zero... I do not know how they even live like that... Now to the whole money situation we are given $165 a month for things like food, shampoo, and just like essential things! I didn't get that full amount for some reason, but I will be getting reimbursed for my luggage at the airport so that is good! AND I will be much better at managing my money! (: My perfume did make it to Jersey so that was a relief!!! hahaha Good thing we hid it soooo well (; I have recieved both of your packages so thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much for sending them! I really appreciate it! When you send things to the mission home I don't get them for awhile because we have to wait until Zone Conferences to recieve that mail! It is probably a little safer to send it there, but I got this last package just fine! (: I still haven't heard if Marisa recieved her package or not??
     Anyway... I cannot remember all of your questions, so I will try to answer them more when I write a letter later today! Thanks again for everything you all do for me! I LOVE HEARING FROM ALL OF YOU!! I appreciate it more than you will ever realize! YOU DA BEST! (: I serioulsy have the greatest family! So don't worry about me out here! I am being watched over! (: I love this gospel so much! I love sharing my love for this gospel with others even when they really don't want to talk to me... (: haha I hope all of you have a great week! I am praying for each of you! I LOVE YOU TO THE MOON AND BACK! WE GOT THIS!!! <3
Love, Your Favorite Missionary!!! 

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