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March 16, 2015 (Dumplings)


     So things are goin great! Once again it was another quick week... haha I feel like the rest of my weeks are going to be "quick weeks". They seriously just seem to go by soooooo quickly. Monday's roll around and I can't even remembered what happened throughout the week. There is so much to do in a day. Okay... I am going to try and think reeeaalllly hard about what has happened since last Monday... 

  1. Okay so I am going to make a list this week... haha So first, Sister Pexton and I had to give a training in our Zone Meeting on Tuesday about Companion Unity. We decided to get a little crazy because we are trying to pump the missionaries up about missionary work. So we went out and bought these super cheap camo shirts at Walmart. We were wearing normal clothes at the beginning of our meeting, but when it was our turn to give our training we ran out and changed into these shirts. So it was fun. hahaha I think the other missionaries got a good kick out of it. Our mission president and his wife really want each companionship in the mission to love each other... so hopefully they will all want to be unified because we wore camo...(; Plus I just really love camo!

  1. Next. I went on my first exchange this week in Princeton! It was fun to go there especially since I had been there SO many times when I was serving in Hightstown! Hopefully the exchange went well... (: haha I sure learned SO much from the sister I got to go on exchange with. She is an incredible missionary! Also... Sister Hindman is one of the Sisters we cover!! I am super excited to serve around her again. I loved being companions with her! I feel like all of these exchanges are going to make the transfers go by even faster... So this could get crazy. Also they make you extremely tired... hahahaha I love it! (:
  2. We got to teach Cody this week about the Restoration. It was soooooo good. (: He is so stinkin quiet though... I feel like we can never get him to talk. So we are trying to work on getting him more engaged in the lessons when we teach. It is also really hard because there is this random guy that is ALWAYS at his home with him and his mother... And the mom says that this guy is just a friend, but he is not a good influence at all. So we are a little worried what might happen because of this guy always being around. We are going to try to get Cody and his mom to members home to teach them there so that we can have the spirit there to teach him. We were able to invite him to be baptized on April 12th and he said YES! He knows that he needs to make a change in his life and he wants to know that this is true. We are going to have to meet with him 3 times a week to get all of the lessons in, but I feel like seeing them three times a week will be really good for both Cody and his mom. We are so excited for Cody! (:
  3. Alright... Last thing I wanted to tell yous this week was that I learned how to make Chinese dumplings at some of our investigators house. The mother invited us over and told us that she would teach us how to make them. They turned out to be a lot harder to make than we thought they would be... hahaha IT TOOK FOREVER TO MAKE THEM. Then while we were making them, as we were rolling out the dough we kept finding BUGS in the flipping dough... hahaha I was like...uuhhhh... I think this is a bug... haha But we couldn't just not eat all of the dumplings that she made us... All I kept thinking of while we were eating them was how many bugs I was actually eating. SO GROSS. Then last night I woke up and I did not feel good at all. I got sooo sick in the middle of the night. I threw up everything that I had eaten yesterday. It was super fun. I even told Sister Pexton that it would be so funny if we got food poisoning from the dumplings... And I did....But it wasn't funny at all. haha I felt like I was going to die, but I feel a lot better this morning just a little weak. But I think I threw up so much that I just got it all out of my system and now I am good! (: 

So that basically sums up my week. (: I am glad that things are still going good back home! I will keep everyone in my prayers! Also... I am super jealous that I won't be able to go to the Payson Temple Open House... But I am so excited to go to that Temple when I get home! Yay! (: Thanks for everything you guys do for me every day! I really appreciate it sooooooooo much!!! I hope that you guys have another great week! (:

Love, Sister Woodland

p.s. I want it to be 70 degrees here.... -_-

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