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September 8, 2014 (THE FINAL COUNTDOWN. Just kidding.)

     So things are still a tad bit stressful, but everyone is taking everything on like a champ and things are working out great! (: SO MANY MEMBERS want to see us because Sister Trias is leaving so we have been eating soooooooooooooo much food. hahaha We have like 3 lunch appointments and three dinner appointments a day. Too much food. It has been keepin us pretty busy. I ain't complainin. (: We will be dropping her off on Thursday. :( I have been on exchanges since last night with Sister Mortensen! She is an awesome missionary! She is almost done training and she seriously just shows me up in everything she does! She is great! We will be on exchanges with each other until tomorrow morning before meetings because Sister Trias and the other sister will be at the Statute of Liberty and won't be getting home until late tonight. It has been fun so far! We will be covering both of our areas for a little. Sister Mortensen is Spanish speaking sooooo.... I just smile and nod when we talk to people... hahahaha So at the moment we are just working on getting the area ready for the next transfer and Sister Trias to go home. Our area is doing okay right now. We have about 5 investigators and 3 of them are new so we are just trying to get to know them better right now and figure out how interested they are in learning about the Restored Gospel. I really want to be out contacting and finding new people to teach, but I also know that we need to balance things right now and make sure Sister Trias is ready to leave. So I am trying to get all of the time organized and ready so that we won't be as stressed with all the things that we have planned for this upcoming week. We are doing a "Mini MTC" for the youth for all three Princeton Units. It was Sister Trias and my idea like two months ago and I guess our ward really liked it because they wanted to do it and asked if we could figure it out. So that is what we have been doing. I hope it turns out well and that it helps get the youth more excited to do missionary work. The youth will be coming to church in missionary attire and will head to the Chapel where they will be assigned a companion (hopefully from a different Ward), then they will be taught for 10 minutes about Church attendance, another 10 minutes about prayer, and another 10 minutes about Book of Mormon. Missionary companionships will be teaching them there. They will then be assigned an investigator (who will be someone in the ward we have asked to role play a random person). The youth will get a piece of paper with the time they need to see their investigator and a brief description of who they will be teaching. When they aren't teaching their investigator they will be in the gym contacting one of us missionaries. We will be random people. Like some missionaries are going to be "the hood guys", mom and baby, door contacts, business man, etc... Whichever youth companionship can hand out the most cards at the end will win! Then the 1st counselor in the mission presidency will talk for a few minutes about missionary work at the end! It should turn out good and be fun! I just hope the youth really enjoy it! (: We will be asking for referrals after as well from each of the youth! (: I send you pics of it next Monday! So, the time that we aren't planning for that or with members, we are outside contacting and door knocking and trying some less actives! We haven't seen too much success yet, but I know that we will! (: I just have to keep having faith in my Heavenly Father and working hard! Even though missionary life can get really crazy at times, I love it so much! I really wouldn't want to me anywhere else, doing anything else! Even during this crazy time! (: I love this gospel so much and I am so grateful to have the opportunity to be out here!
     I hope that you guys have such a great week! I LOVE YOU ALL TO PIECES. Seriously. I am just so grateful for each one of you! Let me know if there is anything I can do for yous...even if I am across the United States! (: 

Love, Sister Woodland

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