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May 19, 2014 (Rough.)

Hey Fam,
     What a week! I think this past week has been the hardest week of my mission so far with actual missionary work! We have only had 2 investigators for awhile and they were both progressing for awhile too... One of them texted us earlier in the week and told us to not bring anyone else with us this appointment because she wanted to talk to us privately about something. We just knew that she was going to drop us. She had been slowing down on things like reading her scriptures and saying her prayers. I didn't think that it was going to be as hard as it really was! When we sat down with her on Thursday she told us that she had received an answer to her prayers and that this just wasn't right for her right now in her life. She did tell us that that doesn't mean she will never join, but just not right now! She cried through the entire thing which just made Sister Holyoak and I cry as well... haha It was so hard! She never got married and she doesn't have any children, but when she hugged us she said that it was like having to say goodbye to her daughters!!! That just made me cry harder! haha It was really neat though! She told us as we were walking away that she wanted us to know our teaching and the lesson we had with her were not in vain! I really needed to hear that and I know so did Sister Holyoak! Then we knew that we needed to drop our other investigator because she is not progressing anymore and we needed to spend our time somewhere else! That lesson was really crazy... She was not very nice! hahaha That made it easier for us to drop her though! It really needed to happen and it probably has been needing to happen for awhile now! Hopefully things will go well for both of these sweet ladies and that later down the road they will be ready to receive the restored gospel! We had some other crazy things happen, but enough sad news! We have also seen some AMAZING miracles come from the members in our Ward! One of our recent Converts named Sally told us on Saturday that she has a friend in High School who is interested in learning about our religion! Now let me tell you about Sally real quick. Sally is from Tai Wan and she has been a member of the church for about 6 months now. SHE IS SO SHY! I mean like really shy! hahah She ALWAYS comes out with us though! ALWAYS! And she has been getting better and now she will talk a few times in the lessons and she will help us contact people of the streets! I love her SOOO much! She is here on like a foreign exchange kind of thing... But she is all by herself! I really admire her! All of the young women's leaders are so good at making sure she is included and keep in contact with her! Anyway, we had taught Sally about missionary work and we had given her a pass-a-long card and a Book of Mormon and challenged her to give it to someone! We didn't know how it was going to go especially since she is so shy, but when she told us she had given the pass-a-long card to her friend at school we couldn't believe it!!! We gave her the biggest hug! People probably thought we were crazy! We are SOO excited to meet her friend! So I know that even though times may get extremely hard sometimes out on the mish, Heavenly Father is ALWAYS looking out for us and He is ALWAYS going to help us. It is just going to be in His time and not ours! We are going to be visiting with the members in our area and we are going to be teaching them about missionary work and hopefully we will get some more referrals from them! We are so excited to see the miracles that I know are going to happen this upcoming week! So don't be worried about me! I am just fine! (: Just a rough week! It happens though, right?! 
     I am really so glad that things are still going well back home! Tell everyone thanks so much for the cute birthday emails! I loved opening my email to see lots of emails from the ward! That was so sweet! (: So tell them all thank you from me! I will definitely keep Ethan in my prayers! Send them my love as well! MOM. I AM SO GLAD THAT THE DOCTOR TOLD YOU THINGS ARE GOOD WITH YOUR BREAST CANCER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't even begin to tell you how happy that makes me! I am so relieved and so grateful! PARTY!! WOOHOO! (: Goodness I love you guys so much and I am so grateful for everything you do for me all the time! Especially all you guys do to help me when I have had a hard week! YOUS ARE THE BEST! I hope that you all have the best week ever!!! LOVE YOU TO THE MOON AND BACK!!!! WE GOT THIS!!! (: (: (: Don't forget to share the gospel! 

Love, Sister Woodland

p.s. I have been out for over 5 months now!!! CRAZY. LOVE YOUS!

p.p.s. we are going to go to a puppy place now and play with puppies to make us happier! We feel like we deserve that because of our crazy week.... hahahaha (: (: (:

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