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October 6, 2014 (Miracles.)

     This week was seriously a week FULL of miracles. They were just coming at us left and right. 
We were able to visit Sister M this week who is a less active. She had served a mission, but life pulled her away from the gospel for a while. She really wants to come back, especially for her kids. She has 4 little kids and they are adorable. Her oldest daughter is 8 years old and the Bishop has asked us to really work with this family so the oldest daughter can be baptized. So we were able to get over to their home last Tuesday and we watched the Restoration DVD with them. It was really cool because you could tell that from watching the DVD Sister M was reminded of her simple testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith. It just reminds me of what we were told in General Conference, that we need to remember the simple parts of the gospel. Those are the things that are going to keep us going forward in our progression in the church. The small and simple things are what count! So we will be working with Sister M's oldest daughter now to get her ready for baptism! She is so excited! 

On Wednesday we were walkin through Haverstraw trying some potential investigators and some investigators. One of the ladies we were going to try was sleeping when we stopped by so we decided that we could grab something to eat really quick. We started to walk down the street to the Empanada's shop when this guy who was walking towards us asked if we were "Mormon". We stopped and told him we were and we starting to talk with him. His name is Juan and he was baptized about 6 years ago. He told us quickly that he wants to come back to church and that he knows that the "Mormon Church" is the right place to me in. He seemed a little bit drunk, but he was such a sweet guy! It was his Birthday so we sang Happy Birthday to him right there on the streets of Haverstraw New York. It was so sweet! He told us that we made his entire day. I don't think he has any family so I was glad we could make him feel loved! He lived in the Bronks for a while and so he has some pretty crazy stories, but through everything that he has been through he has remember to keep having faith in Jesus Christ. It was seriously such a miracle that we were able to be in the same place and the same time so we could find him! The elders will actually be teaching him now, but we are excited for him to start coming back to church! 

I GOT TO GO BACK TO ELLIS ISLAND! I was super excited to find out that we are close enough here to have that opportunity! It was a lot of fun to help people again. I love going to Ellis Island and learning about the history behind it all. There were a ton of people that were so grateful for the help the received in finding their own ancestors! Seriously! Sister Rigby is INCREDIBLE at using the site there and she made so many people’s days! Especially this once group of people. They were looking for their Nana and they couldn't find her and nobody was really taking the time to really help them. So Sister Rigby sat down with them and searched for a while and actually find their Nana!! It was really cool! They asked who we were and we let them know that we are missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and one of the ladies said, "I love Mormons!" hahaha It was awesome! She said that we had made their day and they just love "the Mormons". It is cool to be able to serve people and represent the Savior in all that we do!

On Sunday we were able to pick up an investigator named Isaiah. He is 12 years old and he is seriously the best! One of his older sister's was baptized about a year ago and he said that he saw a change in her and it made him want that change. His older sister isn't very active right now, but I think that when he gets baptized he will help set that example for her and help her to come back. The rest of their family are not members and we are going to try to work with the whole family! But we taught Isaiah the first lesson between the Sunday Sessions of General Conference. He is kinda shy and actually reminds me a little of Bryce. We started to talk about the Atonement with him and he started to cry. I asked him what he was feeling. He told us that it is just so sad that Jesus had to go through all of that. He told us that Jesus Christ is his HERO. Can you believe that? It seriously broke my heart into a million pieces. I started to cry right along with him. It was such a testimony builder to me that anyone of us can have a deep love and testimony for the Atonement and for our Savior Jesus Christ. Isaiah has such a tender heart. We asked him why he likes coming to church and why he likes the gospel so much and he told us, "because this is my second family". I seriously was a complete mess through that whole lesson. The spirit there was SO strong. I just know that Isaiah is going to bless so many people’s lives with his sweet personality and the testimony that he already has of the gospel. I am SO excited to teach him and hopefully the rest of his family.

     So lots of miracles happened this week. I feel so blessed to be in this area at this time! I am grateful to be a part of this great work! General Conference was AMAZING. I just love watching General Conference, especially on my mission. I was able to receive so much revelation for myself and for this area! I am so thankful that we have a modern day prophet who leads and guides us today! President Monson is an amazing man and I am grateful for his example. You should definitely send me the Conference Ensign again when it comes out! (:  I am glad things are going well back home! Thanks for everything and for all the love and support! You guys are seriously the best ever!!! I hope that you have another great week!

Love, Sister Woodland

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