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June 2, 2014 (Singing Nuns!)

Hey peeps!
So this week I got a little bit homesick.... I think it is because it is finally starting to warm up and it is going to be summer real soon and I am missing just hangin with all ya'll in the summer!! BUT I am totally okay though so don't even worry about me, but just know that I love you all lots! (: Other than that I am so sorry that people back home are having a hard time! Man... Life is so rough sometimes! Trials and challenges will always remind me of Ether 12:27. "And if men come unto me I will show unto them their weakness. I give unto men weakness that they may be humble; and my grace is sufficient for all men that humble themselves before me; for if they humble themselves before me, and have faith in me, then will I make weak things become strong unto them." And boy ain't that the truth! I've learned that God really doesn't give us anything we can't handle, but we have to handle it with Faith. We have to do our part and turn to Heavenly Father and trust that He really does know best and that He really is going to help us. Once we do that things WILL get better, but we have to have the faith that it will!! I will keep everyone in my prayers! 
     So this week ended up turning out really good!!! It was a slower week at first, but then it just picked right up and the Lord was definitely blessing Sister Holyoak and I! I wanted to tell you about Sister Cronan real quick because I feel like you haven't heard about her for awhile... She is the 94 year old that we have been helping! Well she got put into like an Assisted Living Center!!!!! She does not want to be there and she is being a little bit stubborn with the nurses.... Before she was converted she was a member of a Christian-Science church and I guess they don't believe in medical things... They do things naturally with like herbs and stuff. So she is refusing all treatments! Which is rough because some things probably would be good for her! The other things though it is probably a smart idea that she isn't going to have the surgery because she is so old and fragile. We go and visit her at the Assisted Living Center and I LOVE IT! She is in a double room and we would always go and sing her some hymns and read to her from the Book of Mormon. We thought the other lady living with her was kinda rude until just the other day she like yelled at us to come into her room... I like slowly walked in, just waiting her to rip me a new one, but she just wanted to tell us how grateful she was that we came and sang hymns! She said that she had been praying for people like us and she wants us to sing in front of the whole Assisted Living Center... So that is probs what we are going to be doing once a week! She said we have the voices of angels... I think she is probably just crazy and that she heard something else, but she REALLY wants us to sing for everyone... I'll let you know how that goes! Sister Frank is a lady in our Ward and she got up in front of the entire congregation and bore her testimony about being out with Sister Holyoak and I! She told EVERYONE that we have beautiful voices and that she dibs us the "singing nuns"! hahahahaha SO now our whole ward thinks we are great singers and now they all have this wonderful nickname for us... hahahaha The next thing I wanted to to all ya'll is that we now have 3 INVESTIGATORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  WOOHOO!!!! I am just so excited that things are starting to pick up! We have been so blessed this last week! We met this man name Stephon last Tuesday and he sat next to me at the library and started to talk to me! He asked me what my name was and I told him "Sister Woodland" so that got us started talking about the church and the Gospel of Jesus Christ! I set up an appointment to see him and he said sure!!! So we met with him on Friday! He asked some REALLY crazy questions and we got the Law of Chastity Lesson out right in the first appointment.... hahaha It was a little awkward, but he still wants to learn more! So we are excited to see how that will go! THEN, yesterday we had gotten out of an appointment with one of our less actives and we had like 3 missed calls and 2 text messages from the elders who cover our area in Spanish. They said it was a miracle and that we needed to get over to where they were as fast as we could! So we did... We met a mom and her daughter who are from West Africa and THEY ARE SO PREPARED! It was seriously the coolest lesson! It was the first time Sister Holyoak and I were able to teach the Restoration together with actual investigators! They said that if they found out that these things are true then they would be baptized! The daughter said the closing prayer and she even said in the prayer that she knows these things are true, but that she would like another witness!!!!!! I couldn't believe it! I am so excited to teach them! Then right after we got out of that appointment we decided to go contact some people and we saw this group of kids paying basketball! We had contacted some of them already so we decided to contact the rest! One of the girls pointed at me while we were walking over and yelled, "THAT'S MY GIRL." hahaha It was so great! They remembered us!! THEN when we had finished talking to all of the kids we got another text message, but this one was from our Zone Leaders. They said that a guy named Kyle had contacted them and wanted a Book of Mormon!!!! HE CONTACTED THEM!!! I just want you all to know that that NEVER happens... people do not normally contact us... hahahaha But they said that he really wants to learn more! So we will hopefully be meeting him sometimes this week! MIRACLES PEOPLE! Wow... I am still not sure if all of it is for real... hahaha But that was my week in a nut shell! Pretty great, right?! (: (: (: 
     I hope that all of you have the best week ever and that things keep going great for all of you! You are always in my prayers! I am so grateful for all that you do for me all of the time and for the love and support! I appreciate more than yous will ever know.


Love, Sister Woodland

P.S. Isn't that nuts that I will almost have been out for 6 months... That means I will only have a year left... SO CRAZY! Time is just going to fly by faster and faster now.... 

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