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February 10, 2014 (I Love Yous!)

Hello Family!
     I hope that all of you had a great week! I hear that it has been raining so hopefully the air in Utah is FINALLY getting better for you peeps! Let's start off with Dad. YOU ARE THE 1st COUNSELOR IN THE BISHOPRIC!!! Whoa! That is intense! hahaha You are going to be so amazing in that calling! I mean of course you are because God called you to it! (: Good Luck Daddio! I am so happy for you! If I were home I would give you a great big hug and then just laugh... but I can't so someone do that for me? Thanks (: Next is Mother. I am so glad that you had a great GNO with the ladies! Sounds like a blast even if you were just "camping in your backyard". hahaha I am glad you know that I would never actually call you just for fun! hahaha I am not THAT naughty! But I am grateful you set me straight and helped me realize the reason I am here on a mission! I seriously will foreverly be grateful to you for that phone call! I am finally been able to feel like a missionary here in New Jersey! FINALLY! (: What a relief! I am glad Nancy got a kick out of the whole "Sister Nuns" thing! I did too! We still laugh about it all the time! That would be soooo awesome if that lady took us out to lunch! That is soooo cool! We actually are being fed quite a bit now! (I think the people like us now so they are letting us come into their homes and eat their food... haha) Bad thing is I am probably going to get fat from eating all of their fatty food! They really like food here! Especially all of the different cultures! Don't wish to be released yet Mother... hahaha you might just be called to Relief Society President!!!! You never know with our family! (; hahaha You are such a great Young Women's Pres.! (: I am still upset that I won't be able to hold Jen's and Colt's baby!! MAN. Someone better send me lots of pictures when that cute thing is born! Next on the list is Meggers. I am so glad that you are doing well and that you are going to tour U of U! What exactly do you want to get a degree in there? You're like a genius! It's whatever... hahaha You best not be getting married until I am home.... If you do than I better be a cut out cardboard at the wedding and I wants LOTS of pics! (: So just wait til I am home! Thanks! (: Next is Mallo. I hear you are getting lots and lots of hours at Little Caesars! Is this good or bad?? Money is always a good thing right?! When is prom? I cannot wait until I get the pictures!! You are going to look so beautiful! Other than that, how is life going?? How is school? Are you still dating that boy? I think his name is Andrew or something... (; hahaha I hope he is doing well too! Last, but not least, is Bryce. My favorite little ginger! Boy do I miss that red hair and your giggling! You are like this rock start athlete or something! WAY TO GO BUD! Killin it on the court! I love it! Are you glad you are playing basketball right now? How is everything else going in your life?? Are you dating anyone? Let me in on who your crush is! I won't tell! (:
     Life here in Jersey is moving right along! I am most definitely OVER the snow, but it is alllllll good in the hood! It has been really hard to find parking anywhere because a lot of peoples cars are snowed in and they haven't bothered to get them out because it is a lot of work! We went to a members home on Friday night because they were feeding us (Yay Food!!) and we decided to park in between these two cars... Probably not the smartest idea on our part, but we did it anyways! After a lot of packing up and pulling forward we got into the spot and then realized that there was NO way we were going to be able to get out... MAN! So we decided that we would just go in and have dinner and hopefully the Lord would bless us and the cars either in front of us or behind us would move.... THE LORD BLESSES HIS MISSIONARIES! BOTH cars were gone when we got outside!! We were soooo happy because we had no idea how we would get out with the snow and the cars! We are teaching this sweet family right now, but they are not keeping our commitments. At all. It is really hard to love someone soooo much and want them to have the blessings that the gospel can give them, yet they really don't care to change their lives! So we are going to see how this week goes and if they continue to not keep commitments then we will have to drop them... This will be the first people I will have dropped and I am struggling with it! But we will still check up on them and see how things are going! We had to move one of our investigators baptismal date back for March 9th I believe! She is doing amazing and loves everything about the gospel, but she hasn't been at church very often! She works at a hospital and works every other weekend so it has been really hard! She has such a  strong testimony and we know that she will get to be baptized and be such a great member of our branch! Another investigator we are teaching has such a strong testimony and so much faith!!! Her name is Charlene and she is awesome! We gave her a soft baptismal invite and she was a little hesitant, but told us she wants to pray about it and to find out for herself if this is something she should be doing! She is struggling with Joseph Smith, but is slowing gaining a testimony of him! She just has to pray about it and find out for herself if he really was a prophet and if he really did restore the church and translate the book of Mormon!! She'll receive the answer! I know it! (: God gives us all chances to find out about the truthfulness of the gospel and I know that He will witness to these amazing people of the truthfulness of the things we are teaching them!! I love sharing the joy and happiness this gospel brings to me with others! I love these people and my love for them just continues to grow every single day!
     Everyone here says I love you(s)! It is so great! So I am picking up on some of the Jersey lingo already! To answers some of your questions, President Jeppson just told me to be quick and not spend hours talking to you on the phone so there wasn't a specific amount of time that he gave me! We have zone conferences the first Tuesday of every month! The weather here is finally getting a little better! The snow is slowly, but surely melting so hopefully we won't have anymore snow storms!! I don't know if these people could take anymore! hahah they really don't know what to do when it snows! Everything seriously shuts down whenever it snows just a little bit! I will try to get a letter written today if I have some more time! Keep writing me letters!! I love them so much! (: Thanks for all of the love and support! WE GOT THIS! I LOVE YOU ALL TO THE MOON AND BACK!!! Have an amazing week! Write me or something?! (: (: (:
Love, Sister Woodland

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